wick war doodle jam

lee recently worked with a youth group at wickwar youth centre to produce graffiti inspired artwork on to canvas with paint pens and marker pens, each session was for 2 hours spread over 3 weeks.

Canvas Workshops are a very popular workshop activity which can be done inside with paint pens, lee can work with larger groups and the workshop can be done in a day or spread out over several weeks  for example 3/4 x 2 hour sessions. students will be guided through the design process and shown how to create simple images that are visually striking and relevant to the theme. All participants will be trained in the subtle arts of graffiti and how to achieve the best results of freehand “writing”. After you have exhibited, the art work, students can take their piece of art home to decorate their own walls. This is a very popular and engaging workshop and gives the students a sense of ownership and achievement.
please feel free to contact me for a lesson plan and a quote.

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